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 Angus and Rosemary's Miscellany

  of Malvern - Other Resources

Other Resources - Menu

The sub-navigation bar above gives access to Business; Blogs; Eating out; Roots, another name for family history; Religion; 'Who is Who' and Index pages. Below are Links to miscellaneous pages that do not fit the above categories. There are also Quick Links to take you directly to topical pages.

Quick links

The Russian invasion of Ukraine

Broadband Internet, Fibre To The Home (FTTH)

Occasional Coronavirus (COVID_19) update for Malvern Seniors

Weekly update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic for Malvern Seniors

Links related to Malvern

Car parks in Malvern

South Worcestershire Development Plan Review

Malvern Environment Protection Group

A residents' association in opposition to proposed governance changes at the Malvern Hills Trust.

Malvern Hills Action Group

An obscure website claiming to forensically analyse the proposed governance changes at the Malvern Hills Trust.

Changes afoot at the Malvern Hills Trust - What's Next

The Friends of the Commons of Malvern (archived page)

Malvern Hills Trust - Public Consultation 'Have Your Say' (archived page)

Changes afoot at the Malvern Hills Trust (archived page)

Taxi phone numbers

Pointers to some casualties of the Great War

Other articles

Timeline listing wars and other events affecting Great Britain since 1773

Table of constants and conversions

Report on the Japanese 2011 earthquake as it affected Tokyo

Handy household tips

Owning an English Setter



Occasionally some of our stories listed on the History Menu, which are not about The Malvern Hills area, have been placed under the heading Other Resources in an attempt to distinguish them from articles about the Malvern Hills and surrounding villages.

The new menu button at the top right of this page displays links as a list which may be a help to those using devices with a small screen, such as mobile phones.

The Malvern Hills logo

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